Thursday, 14 June 2007

It's Over!!! yay!!

Hey guys,
sorry if i am not keepibng people up to date as much as tiff!!! I have just finished a 6 days life guarding course!!! I am now a Professional Life guard!!! yay.... who ever thought i would be able to finish that??? not me!!! it was good i learnt alot...which my normal first aid never tought me!!! so it was good..... I am sun burnt at the moment we had our practical exams today so we spent most of the day in the was good fun. we just finished a bbq dinner it was great!!!! the sun was straight on my face and stinging it...but i will get over it!!! ( i think i am just randonmly typing anything at this stage) any way.... last nite the camp took us 60 staff members to the movies... i chooooose to see Pirates 3! it was great but i was sooo tired i got up at 6am that morning to see the state of origin.....yay go QLD!!!! and the movie did not finish untilm1:30am the next mornin so it was an extreeeemmmmmlllly long day for me!!!! then i had my exams today!!!! ahhh well i passed thats all that matters!!
i wont be checkin my emails every day from tomorrow cos we have the rest of staff we are bootin up to 200 staff from 60 stafff.... but i will try to get to this as often as i can!!!!
if not read tiffs she will keep every one posted on what i am doin!!!!
Well luv u allllll.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Does that mean you are a bay watch girl. good on you for having such a graet time and making the most of it.


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